After hitting PeopleSoft login page in browser getting following message
CHECK APPSERVER LOGS. THE SITE BOOTED WITH INTERNAL DEFAULT SETTINGS, BECAUSE OF: bea.jolt.ApplicationException: TPESVCFAIL - application level service failure
App Server logs does show following message
PSAPPSRV.7524 (4) [XX GetCertificate] - - - (1) (NET.502): PTWEBSERVER@HOSTNAME is an Invalid User ID, or you typed the wrong password. User ID and Password are required and case-sensitive. Make sure you're typing in the correct upper and lower case.
Based on these issue is with PTWEBSERVER User .
1. User account PTWEBSERVER is locked, and if it is then unlock the PTWEBSERVER account :
UPDATE PSOPRDEFN SET ACCTLOCK=0 WHERE OPRID=’PTWEBSERVER’;2. User password is not matching with encrypted value.
Navigate to
$PS_CFG_HOME/webserv/<DOMAIN_NAME>/peoplesoft/applications/peoplesoft /PORTAL.war/WEB-INF/psftdocs/<DOMAIN_NAME>/
Look for parameter WebPassword
If you know existing password then use pscipher utility to check encrypted value of it and see if it matches with above WebPassword value. If not then reset it.
on command prompt type follow to get encrypted value
>pscipher password