Thursday, July 8, 2021

Unable to get PeopleSoft landing page after sign in due to error CPCServletService::DoService -> nPcmReturn=24: Failed to start the Java Virtual Machine.

Unable to get PeopleSoft landing page after sign in due to error CPCServletService::DoService -> nPcmReturn=24: Failed to start the Java Virtual Machine.

If you get following set of errors even after application services bounce then please try this solution.


PSAPPSRV.29571 (13) [2021-07-08T06:41:20.869 XXX@172.IP (IE 11.0; WIN10) ICScript] OYwwgOA89L98oA 3980798699840058369 XXXX(1) Could not load the JavaVM library jvm
PSAPPSRV.29571 (13) [2021-07-08T06:41:21.161 XXX@172.IP (IE 11.0; WIN10) ICScript] OYwwgOA89L98oA 3980798699840058369 PEOPLE1 (1) CPCServletService::DoService -> nPcmReturn=24: Failed to start the Java Virtual Machine. (2,766) PT_SECURITY.iScript.OnExecute  Name:getSIDHTML  PCPC:199  Statement:6
Called from:PT_FAV.AddToFav.OnExecute  Name:getSIDHTML  Statement:32
Called from:PT_FAV.AddToFav.OnExecute  Name:setHTML  Statement:120
Called from:PT_FAV.AddToFav.OnExecute  Name:AddToFav  Statement:23
Called from:PT_POPUP.Popup.OnExecute  Name:Popup  Statement:15
Called from:PT_BRANDING.IframeHeader.OnExecute  Name:setAddToFavPopupHTML  Statement:101
Called from:PT_BRANDING.IframeHeader.OnExecute  Name:SetAddFav  Statement:98

Solution ->

First check the what JAVA_HOME is set. Make sure JAVA_HOME directory exists.

Check PATH, LIBPATH and Shell profile ( of Linux server) and make sure jdk path is accurate.

Update correct JDK path , exit from your id and login back and rev-verify if environment variables are pointing to correct JAVA_HOME path.

Shutdown App services , configure App Server, clear cache and bring up services.

This should fix the issue.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Integration Gateway Message Unmarshalling: Could not Parse the XML message String. (158,10415)

Integration Gateway Message Unmarshalling: Could not Parse the XML message String. (158,10415) 

You will notice following error while pinging / testing node from Integration Gateway or Node definition. If you see following error in Logs then this solution will work. 

errorLog.html : [Parsing error] msg: Fatal Error: at file null line: 2 column: 359 message: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xb) was found in the CDATA section. 

Simply remove special characters from password and try again. It will work.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Unable to open opatch lsinventory due to error is not accessible. Please set appropriate JAVA_HOME and run again.

  Error :
    Unable to open opatch lsinventory due to error <JDK> is not accessible.
    Please set appropriate JAVA_HOME and run again.
      This error occurs when listing Weblogic Patches.
      This error occurs because of invalid path of JAVA_HOME.
      TO fix this change JAVA_HOME path in hidden file present at $ORACLE_HOME/oui
      JAVA_HOME=<Latest JAVA_HOME Path>
   JAVA_HOME_1_8=<Latest JAVA_HOME Path>