Unable to get PeopleSoft landing page after sign in due to error CPCServletService::DoService -> nPcmReturn=24: Failed to start the Java Virtual Machine.
If you get following set of errors even after application services bounce then please try this solution.
PSAPPSRV.29571 (13) [2021-07-08T06:41:20.869 XXX@172.IP (IE 11.0; WIN10) ICScript] OYwwgOA89L98oA 3980798699840058369 XXXX(1) Could not load the JavaVM library jvm
PSAPPSRV.29571 (13) [2021-07-08T06:41:21.161 XXX@172.IP (IE 11.0; WIN10) ICScript] OYwwgOA89L98oA 3980798699840058369 PEOPLE1 (1) CPCServletService::DoService -> nPcmReturn=24: Failed to start the Java Virtual Machine. (2,766) PT_SECURITY.iScript.OnExecute Name:getSIDHTML PCPC:199 Statement:6
Called from:PT_FAV.AddToFav.OnExecute Name:getSIDHTML Statement:32
Called from:PT_FAV.AddToFav.OnExecute Name:setHTML Statement:120
Called from:PT_FAV.AddToFav.OnExecute Name:AddToFav Statement:23
Called from:PT_POPUP.Popup.OnExecute Name:Popup Statement:15
Called from:PT_BRANDING.IframeHeader.OnExecute Name:setAddToFavPopupHTML Statement:101
Called from:PT_BRANDING.IframeHeader.OnExecute Name:SetAddFav Statement:98
Solution ->
First check the what JAVA_HOME is set. Make sure JAVA_HOME directory exists.
Check PATH, LIBPATH and Shell profile ( of Linux server) and make sure jdk path is accurate.
Update correct JDK path , exit from your id and login back and rev-verify if environment variables are pointing to correct JAVA_HOME path.
Shutdown App services , configure App Server, clear cache and bring up services.
This should fix the issue.